Free IMAP email backup software

Free IMAP email backup software

No hurry, no worry! By hurrying to fetch an IMAP email backup tool and fetching any random utility from the web can have catastrophic consequences as far as data integrity is concerned. To distance yourself from worries, you should use a microscopic approach while choosing an IMAP mail backup tool. All apples in a basket may look good, but you cannot separate good apples from the bad apples unless you take each apple in your hands and probe its quality. A similar approach should be followed while searching for an email backup utility.

When doing so, it’s natural for your first steps to advance towards a free IMAP mail backup tool, but you should show no hurry and probe free tools from all angles to verify their reliability. A free tool can really encapsulate you in a milieu of depression if its comes laden with malware that has the potential to prey on data integrity. It’s not as if clean free tools are not available but they too instigate disappointment rather than adding to our satisfaction. While cracked tools can harm your email data in a variety of ways, even Open Source tools have been found to cause irreparable damage to data integrity by handling emails in a harsh manner. They are available in a non-optimized state, where everyone is welcome to add their inputs and be a part of software development. But it may be too late until an open source tool achieves it true potential. As such, these tools are not ideal candidates for IMAP email backup and leave  much to be desired.

Embrace professional IMAP mail backup tools and do away with the aforesaid shortcomings

A professional tool is bound to reach a full state of evolution before being presented for use. After all, the development process of such software involves major funding and clubbed efforts of a team of software experts that takes care of each aspect of its development. The end result is a full-fledged IMAP email backup tool that can be relied upon to create integrity-rich backups and do away with any possibility of data loss. Another thing that makes professional utilities most deserving of our approval is availability of regular updates to keep their relevance strong and ever going. In contrast to professional tools, free tools die an early death due to lack of regular updates.

Mail Backup X- the most deserving professional software you can use for flawless IMAP mail backup

This tool deserves our approval because it has the right things going for itself like utmost data security, platform independence and affordable pricing. This tool handles email data with delicate care and ensures that no data element goes missing without leaving a trace. With this tool dancing to your tunes, you are assured of complete data retention in backups. The folder hierarchy is sustained and metadata finds its rightful place in backups. Even Unicode characters are considered at length and make their way into backups.  To revel in efficiency and accuracy, you must handpick this tool for IMAP email backup, because it will never betray you with deficiencies in any regard.

Platform independence and wider compatibility are two of the most loved attributes of this utility. Now there will be no restrictions and no fear of losing out on excellence-rich email management, because this tool is compatible with both Windows and Mac. Now there is no need to feel at loss of answers no matter what email client you are using, for this tool is compatible with a vast majority of email platforms. The cost of this tool won’t make your wallet size shrink in fear, because it is available within a very affordable price range.

The beefed-up data security mechanism of this tool puts it on a high pedestal of quality. Google approved login accentuates your trust in this tool. The ability to run this tool both offline and online increases the number of options available to you. Multi-layered encryption takes the onus upon itself to repel and nullify any attacks on data integrity. Without even an ounce of doubt, this tool assures utmost data security.

A brief tete-a-tete with infallible features of this IMAP email backup tool

  • Save your hard earned money by investing in this cost friendly tool.
  • Save yourself from the hassle of searching for different applications to manage data on different email clients, because this tool boasts of widest compatibility with the widest range of email clients.
  • Save yourself from any data security issues, for this tool has a fully beefed up data security mechanism that is self-sufficient in thwarting any internet threat.
  • Save yourself from the hassle of using different email management utilities on Windows and Mac, for this tool seamlessly works on both.
  • Buy your ticket to freedom from any dangers to data integrity because this tool handles data with delicate care and assures full retention of data in resultant backups.
  • Enjoy the freedom of utilizing multiple backup patterns like full, partial, mirror and distributive backups to summon data redundancy into play, which will eventually become your best guarantee of emerging unscathed from any form of data loss.
  • This tool kills may flies with one stone with its wide applications that encompass email archiving, backup, restore and migration.
  • This tool will not become just another utility with an expiry data as it keeps its relevance going with regular updates.
  • Easy to use, fast to respond and all-endowed, this tool is a true all-rounder when it comes to satisfying multifarious email management needs.
backup IMAP email tool

Step onto the bandwagon of success by availing its free trail

Avail the free trial of this IMAP mail backup tool to meet multiple objectives with palpable ease. Enjoy utmost simplicity in usage as you explore its myriad applications.  The trial period extends to 15 days which is a strong enough incitement to plunge headlong into this technological bonanza that is all set to satisfy you to the core.

buy imap mail backup tool